Day 27, July 13 and day 28, Sunday, July 14
Mitchell to Sioux Falls SD (72 miles) And rest day.
On Saturday, July 13, we left Mitchell for Sioux Falls and a much needed rest day. For me, I have been anticipating this day for more than a week because Tam is flying out for the weekend. Just 72 miles and we get not quite two days together.
The ride was fairly un eventful, although we did go through the little town of Canistota where every year they have a parade and tractor pulling contests for the kids. We got there in time for the 4 and 5 year olds to pedal this toy tractor that had weights attached, just like the big tractor pulls. Cute! But no time to dawdle; Tam is coming to town. I actually got to Sioux Falls by 12:30, beating Tam by two hours, enough time to clean up and get the laundry done!
What a great weekend . On Sunday morning, we went back out to the airport and rented a car (we said good bye to Jen, one of the riders, who was also going to the airport). this allowed us to go to Mass at the cathedral and explore town.
Talk about coincidences, on Saturday night, we got a call from Diane Bennett and Dan Schoedinger who were on their way to Montana, but who would be passing through Sioux Falls on Sunday about 1:00p. Perfect timing! What a great visit. How come we can't seem to find the time to get together in Columbus, but happen to be in Sioux Falls, South Dakota at the same time?
Monday morning will be hard, as I have to say good bye to Tam again, but this time for only three weeks.
Be well. Do good.
Sounds like you had a great couple of days with Tam including some great timing visiting with friends. I remember the absolute surprise when I came down to the motel lobby In an IL town to catch the shuttle to supper and sitting there were Peggy and Joe from Columbus. They were attending a family reunion there and Joe noticed that I was going to be coming through the same evening they were heading through as well. So there they were. Had a great time sharing supper with them and introducing them to the rest of the crew. Joe could not get over the quantities of chow we consumed that evening. Godspeed.